Why Tallow?

For centuries, nomadic herders used tallow to soothe their skin in the harsh weather conditions of Mongolia. Australian Aborigines, Ancient Egyptians and American Indians used tallow for skincare. Dr. A.W. Chase, MD, an American doctor, published a book of “recipes” in 1866 that lists ten salve formulations, eight of which contain tallow. Modern-day science confirms that tallow is rich in Vitamins A, D, K, and E, Omega 3 fatty acids, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Approximately 50% of our cell membranes are made of saturated fats, which is the same percentage of saturated fatty acids found in tallow. This makes tallow compatible with the biology of our skin — it helps our skin retain moisture. Fatty acids are essential to the repair and regeneration processes of our skin. The naturally occurring fatty acids found in tallow are stearic acid, oleic acid (Omega 9), conjugated linolenic acid (CLA), palmitoleic acid (Omega 7), and palmitic acid.

Our tallow is the result of a saltwater purification process that refines the nutrient-dense leaf fat from grass-fed cows to produce a white, odorless, natural moisturizer.

Model sampling Coco & Guy balm

Why CBD Isolate?

While tallow is our primary ingredient, another key component of Coco & Guy is CBD isolate.

Although CBD is relatively new to the skincare game, it is quickly proving to be a valuable player. CBD isolate is the purest form of CBD and is best for facial skin as it does not clog pores, is packed with skin-rejuvenating antioxidants, and is an anti-inflammatory agent.  Coco & Guy combines nutrient-rich tallow used by our ancestors with newly-discovered CBD isolate to produce an intensely moisturizing balm that will recharge tired skin.

In addition to tallow and CBD isolate, the other organic ingredients include shea butter, white beeswax, rosehip oil, extra virgin coconut oil, gardenia-infused jojoba oil, and lemongrass essential oil.